Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Rant on Game of Thrones Season 5

This will be rant on Game of Thrones season 5. If you haven't finished Game of Thrones season 5, turn back now for this post is dark and full of spoilers. However if you have finished it, read on and enjoy. I must preface this saying that I haven't read the books yet, so this rant is based purely on the show. Further than that it should be noted that, for the most part, I really liked this season. This rant is directed at the GoT fan base that's making themselves seem stupid on the internet.

In this season I would point to three main events that caused outrage on the internet: the rape of Sansa, the death of Shireen and the death of Jon Snow. In this post I want to rant about these events.

We begin with the rape of Sansa. I was downright the reaction of the internet when this happened and not at all shocked by this event in the story. In my estimation the worst thing about the scene was the fact that Ramsey made Reek/Theon watch. Because he's a sick bastard (pun intended). I don't understand why the internet got so upset with this one because a) we've already seen rape on the show other times and b) we already know Ramsey is the worst person alive! This season I found myself hating him at near Joffrey levels. He's just that bad. So given that the act follows in line with his character and so we can't be "shocked" or "outraged" by it. Do you remember what he did in season 3? That was hardcore. Also think back to Season 1 wherein Dany gets raped by Drogo in a MUCH more graphic and on camera scene. Or think back to last season wherein Cersei gets (inexplicably) raped by Jamie. Given the graphic nature of those scenes, I say the rape of Sansa was the third worst rape of the show's history, and also not the worst thing Ramsey has done. I think the outrage of the internet on this matter boils down to the fact that most people like Sansa and all people HATE Ramsey. Our preferences deluded the internet into thinking this was the worst thing in GOT history, and it just wasn't.

Moving on to the death of Shireen. I was a little upset that this happened, but it was predicted often throughout the story. After watching five seasons of this show, we all know that if GOT starts using a character way more than in past times, something major is going to happen with them. Even more than that Melisandre and Stannis talked about EXACTLY this possibility early in the season. After one episode my friend even told me "I bet she makes him kill Shireen" and so it came to pass. I think the outrage of this one is based on the fact that it was a kid killed by her father by BURNING. That's a pretty brutal triangle but not something we need to get too worked up about. Firstly, we didn't know Shireen long enough to have much attachment to her. Secondly we've seen Stannis burn people before. Thirdly, we know he isn't the greatest dad in the world and that everything he does is directed at gaining the throne. The events of the next episode make me wonder why all this happened, but that's a different matter.

Finally we come to the death of Jon Snow and the complete and utter hatred of Olly, the boy who stabbed him last. I didn't like Jon snow. I never liked Jon Snow. I found all the scenes at the wall to be really boring 70% of the time throughout the run of the show. That said, I almost cried when he died out of shock and not of pity. I also don't like people saying "he's the one that's going to win" because it's just not going to happen. The actor playing Jon has strongly hinted that he's dead, and from what I've heard from book readers HE'S DEAD!!! So please internet, knock it off with all this "Melisandre will save him" because it's not going to happen. But even more that that, I'm upset about the hatred of Olly, I hate to break it to you guys but OLLY DIDN'T KILL JON SNOW!!! Olly helped kill Jon Snow after he'd already been stabbed several times. Even before Olly stabbed him, it was obvious that Jon Snow was about to die. That was about to happen. Olly just finished him off causing the internet to erupt with all these "he's the worst guy ever" when that's not even close to being true. Olly did nothing mean, vicious, or wrong. He, as a brother of the Night's Watch, fulfilled his duty to help kill the betrayer of their people. Whether it was right or wrong for them to do that is another matter entirely. By Night's Watch law that's what they were supposed to do. Olly had no part in deciding that should happen and no bigger part in carrying it out than any other member of the watch.

In summation: the show has done way worse things that the rape of Sansa (see everything done by Joffrey); Shireen's death was brutal but you can't be too upset about it because you couldn't have cared that much about her; Olly is no more at fault that anyone else in the death of Jon Snow; Jon Snow is DEFINITELY DEAD so shut up about how Melisandre is going to save him because he's dead. Like really really dead. As a doornail. No one else has come back in Thrones so he's not coming back either. He's dead.

That's it for this rant (which ended up much longer than I anticipated). I'll try to do a ranking in the near future or something more light-hearted.

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